“We need to live in mindful harmony with our feelings, not attempt to control them”
Leslie Greenberg
服務 Services

Individual therapy
We are all people of habits. We build our habits, behaviours, and coping mechanisms since childhood. We are all shaped by our family of origin and there is no escape.
We often rely on these established coping mechanisms through challenges, crises and, very often, they work. However, sometime these are the very same mechanisms that hold us back and we find ourselves stuck or unable to find a way out. These may result in malfunctioning in our day to day lives. These may affect our emotions, relationships with our loved and they may even make us feel we cannot go on with our normal lives.
Individual therapy helps you understand your deepest needs and heal your wounds, disruptions and helps you transform to a new level of self acceptance, feeling content with yourself.
( Face to Face and online therapy provided )

Couples Therapy
We all enter into a relationship with the best intentions and wishes. Yet, we soon find that building a strong and enduring relationship is a big challenge for everyone.
For some reason, some couples soon find their partner “no longer the same person I used to know”. Thus, leading to difficulties in relating, communicating and some even lose the love they have for each other. But healing is possible, very often couples who find in their hearts to forgive each other succeed in mending their wounded relationship and taking their relationship to another level of connection.
The secret remedies for couples often involve humility, love and timely intervention.
有孩子的家庭所面臨的挑戰比夫婦或個人來得更大、更複雜。 夫妻間的問題很多時候都會因為他們與孩子的互動作用而進一步複雜化。

Family Therapy
The challenges families with children face are often much greater and complicated. Very often couples’ problems are complicated by the dynamics of their relationship with their children.
Couples with relationship problems may avoid confronting their own problems by focusing on their children. Yet, they find themselves often arguing or fighting over their children’s issues, big or small. There are also times when couples focus on their children feel neglected by their partner, resulting in blaming, loneliness, apathy, and further distancing. With more stakeholders in the picture, problems become defused and sidetracked.
Families are structures and systems which can be re organized and re structured, helping them rereturn to respectful and loving relationships.

Clinical Supervision
Helping professionals often meet challenges in their work with people. These include values, cultures, gender, clinical skills, crisis intervention and case management. Input from an experienced clinician is essential to ensure professionalism and services with high caliber.
Clinical supervisor is the mentor and coach for the professionals, including social workers and counselor, guiding them through their experience as a helping professional as well as their self growth.
公眾教育,如工作坊和講座,能為有意進修和自我增值的公眾人士提供信息和建議。 面臨育兒或親職挑戰的父母,渴望掌握更多知識和技巧,以裝備自己有效地應對問題;有特殊需要孩子的父母則需要學習如何應對壓力,以支持及陪伴孩子成長。專業人士的意見與經驗分享,能幫助家長於家庭教育中事半功倍。
- 如何處理壓力
- 如何與子女談性(特殊需要學童)
- 管教技巧
- 體罰真的不可以嗎?
- 處理反叛青少年的技巧
- 家庭服務前瞻
- 處理個案技巧
- 如何督導前線社工處理家庭暴力個案
- 處理虐兒個案
- 壓力處理
- 輔導技巧

Public Education
Public education is preventive.
Public education such as workshops, talks are important in providing information, advice to participants who are eager to learn. Parents facing child rearing or parenting challenges are eager to learn more to better equip themselves. Parents with special need children need to learn how to cope with stress and pressure. Likewise, helping professionals need to enhance their skills as well as making sure their own stresses are managed properly.
Grace conducted talks for the public as well as professionals in the following areas:
Talks for Parents:
-stress management
-sex talk with children with special needs
-Discipline & Parenting
-Is corporal punishment really unacceptable?
-Parenting rebellious teenagers
Talks for Professional:
-Family service in Hong Kong
-Casework management
- Supervising frontline social workers in handling domestic violence cases
-Handling child abuse cases
-Stress management for professionals
-Counseling skills